Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Summer is here. And so are grills, block parties, beach days, sweaty pits, and lots of outdoor drinking. One of the best outdoor drinks? Corona with fresh limes squeezed into the bottle.

But cutting limes at the beach results in sandy beer and broken teeth. So Budweiser is capitalizing! Enter: BL Lime.

They took a drinkable ale (ala Corona) and added the lime for you. Less time picking sand out of your teeth means more time scoping fatties in bikinis!

I'm not a big Bud Light guy. So I fully expected this to taste like rat piss with a squeeze of chemicals. Gladly I'll swallow my pretentious beer drinking pride and admit that I was wrong.

This beer is good.

In fact I'm drinking two now. My house is blazing hot, sans air conditioning after a humid day in the high 80's, and the beers are going down really nicely.

The lime tastes like lime. The beer tastes like a nice, fresh, crisp, light ale. I'm a fan.

Plus with the time I save cutting and stuffing limes, I'll start composting and try to make the world a greener place. Or I'll just drink an extra beer. But I will recycle the bottle.

I may change the review tomorrow depending on my "bathroom experience" (when I may rename it BM Lime) but as for now I give BL Lime an enthusiastic GOOD.

(Leave YOUR quick reviews in the comments section of this post.)