Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cloverfield - Monster Movie Review

Cloverfield was 85 minutes... 25 of which were great... 15 of which were good... 15 that were setup minutes... and 30 of which sucked.

If you're reading this review you've probably seen the movie too. (I won't put up a "spoiler picture" of the monster so don't worry freaks --- besides my awesomely detailed computer-drawn pic.)

Things I liked:
*Fresh take on monster movies -- it's never shown from OUR (the civilian) view. I'd sh*t my pants if I were running up a staircase to jump from building to bulding while one was about to collapse and a monster was on the loose too!
*The "camcorder" feel. Never saw Blair Witch... never will. But the camera work in here was cool. It seemed authentic at times... and absolute bullsh*t at times too -- but we'll talk about that in the negatives column. However -- it DID kind of make it feel real, like when the statue of liberty's head comes screeching to a halt in the street and tanks come to shoot at the beast.
*It's "real:" I like the ending... some will fight me, but the way the couples end up are very real in this situation. And the way Marlena was knocked off by the authorities because she was a bite victim. At least that's the way I took it. Plus the looters and smoke were cool.

Things I thought sucked:
*I hated how "fake" it was. Come on!!! She had a RUSTY POST through her body/organs!!! Not to mention that she ALSO went through a helicopter crash afterwards and survived too! I truly believe she may have been cast in the wrong movie -- maybe "Highlander" would have been a better placement because she surely is invincible. I can't wait for the sequel starring her.
*The "camcorder" sucked too. How many f'ing times, and how rapidly did this assface hit the record button??? TOO many 2 second clips. PLUS -- more importantly -- that beast looked FAR too rendered versus the grainy feel of the camcorder.
*Predictability -- from the start you knew who were the main characters, who was trying to get with who, and the general layout of the movie -- few times was I surprised -- minus the end... and the fact that Beth COULDN'T/wouldn't die.
*Things were left unanswered. Did Lilly and Jason meet back up? What the hell WAS the monster??? Where did it come from? These questions didn't mind me much -- in fact I kind of thought it added to the effect the producer/director/writer were aiming for -- but the person I watched it with had a MAJOR problem with this and the fact that it wasn't all resolved by end.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i watched cloverfeild and it was THE WORST MOVIES IVE EVER SEEN!!! it was horrible. it was fake, boring, and predictable. i mean hello i would like to know exactly what happened i hate when they leave you hanging... omg i never want to see it againn!!!!